Friday, August 5, 2011

Fun in 4th- Linky Party!

Fun in 4th Grade is having a linky party to give advice to new teachers. Here are my words of wisdom.
*Try not to get caught up in the drama at school. The 1st person who comes to you and talks about other staff member is the number 1 person you cannot trust.
*Email your parents once a week with what is going on the classroom. They love to know what their kids are learning about at school.
*Be flexible!
*Have a back up plan if something doesn't go correctly!
*My most important piece of advice is to remember you have a life outside of school. That can be hard to follow.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Word Wall or No Word Wall

Next year I am teaching 2nd grade but it will be a gifted cluster class.  Not all the kids will be gifted but they will be high to middle ability.  Last year I used a regular 2nd grade word wall.  They got 5 words a week.  They wrote sentences in a notebook on Tuesdays.  I'm not sure if I should keep my Word Wall.  I'm not sure if they words will be too easy for them or if I should keep it has a reference.  Another thought is turning it into a science and social studies word wall.  What do you think?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Second Grade Shenanigans!

Second Grade Shenanigans is having a giveaway!  Head on over there and check it out! She creates awesome 2nd grade units.  I can't wait to use them!